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Centre for International Forestry Research

The Center for International Forestry Research is a nonprofit, global facility dedicated to advancing human wellbeing, environmental conservation and equity. We conduct research that enables more informed and equitable decision making about the use and management of forests in less-developed countries.

Our research and expert analysis help policy makers and practitioners shape effective policy, improve the management of tropical forests and address the needs and perspectives of people who depend on forests for their livelihoods. Our multidisciplinary approach considers the underlying drivers of deforestation and degradation which often lie outside the forestry sector: forces such as agriculture, infrastructure development, trade and investment policies and law enforcement.

Our headquarters are in Bogor, Indonesia, with offices in Nairobi, Kenya, Yaounde, Cameroon, and Lima, Peru.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 28 articles

Pemandangan hutan hujan primer di desa Honitetu, Kabupaten Seram Barat, provinsi Maluku, Indonesia pada 23 Agustus 2017. (Ulet Ifansasti/CIFOR), CC BY-NC-ND.

Sejauh mana pembayaran REDD+ menguntungkan masyarakat lokal?

REDD+ adalah program PBB untuk melawan deforestasi. Namun, apakah masyarakat lokal dan masyarakat adat telah menerima manfaat yang setara?
A view of primary rainforest in Honitetu village, West Seram regency, Maluku province, Indonesia on August 23, 2017. (Ulet Ifansasti/CIFOR)

Sharing benefits from the UN’s deforestation reduction program remains challenging, here’s why

REDD+ is a UN program to fight deforestation. But, have local and indigenous communities received their equitable benefits?
Basri Marzuki/Antara.

‘Cuan’ kredit karbon biru Indonesia amat berguna untuk melawan krisis iklim, bagaimana kita mengembangkannya?

Sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar, Indonesia berpotensi mendapatkan kredit karbon guna melindungi hutan bakau dan lamun yang terancam punah – yang sekarang menyimpan sekitar 17% “karbon biru” global.
Basri Marzuki/Antara

Indonesia’s ‘blue carbon credits’ are crucial for global climate mitigation. Here’s how to help them flourish

As the world’s largest archipelagic state, Indonesia has great potential to earn carbon credits to protect its endangered mangroves and seagrass – which now store around 17% of global “blue carbon”.
Farmers working the land in the Western Sahara, Egypt. DeAgostini/Getty Images

Africa’s drylands are getting more support. How to make the most of this

A changing climate threatens the balance that communities in drylands have created.


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