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Dalhousie University

Founded in 1818, Dalhousie University is Atlantic Canada’s leading research-intensive university, driving the region’s intellectual, social and economic development.

Dalhousie is a truly national and international university, with more than half of our nearly 19,000 students coming from outside of Nova Scotia. Our 6,000 faculty and staff foster a diverse, purpose-driven community, one that spans 13 faculties and conducts over $135 million in research each year.

With 80 per cent of Nova Scotia’s publicly funded research, and as one of Canada’s leading universities for industry collaboration, we’re helping generate the talent, discoveries and innovations that will shape Atlantic Canada’s future.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 367 articles

Marine ecosystems across Canada’s coasts, such as eelgrass meadows that provide an important habitat for juvenile species, are threatened by human activities and climate change. (Nicolas Winkler)

Canada’s marine conservation toolbox needs an overhaul to counter climate change

It is time to acknowledge and address the rapid shifts in Canada’s oceans. To meet this challenge, Canada’s marine conservation toolbox — starting with the Oceans Act — needs an overhaul.
FishSounds is an online database of recordings of the noises created by fish, like this Bocon toadfish. (Shutterstock)

Grunts, boops, chatters and squeals — fish are noisy creatures

Growing research shows that fish produce sounds that other creatures listen to to find food and avoid becoming prey. A new database compiles research on these fish sounds.
African residents in Ukraine wait at the platform inside Lviv railway station on Feb. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

Ukraine: How citizenship and race play out in refugees’ movements in Europe

Ukraine’s history with the former Soviet Union and its current relationship with the European Union inform how refugees move across borders. While race plays a role, citizenship is also an important factor.
Paramedics and ambulances spill out of the Emergency ramp at Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Tips for navigating an emergency department visit: Who you’ll see, what to ask and why it matters

Almost half of patients have poor understanding of their emergency department visit. Being aware of how the emergency department works can give patients the tools to have a smoother experience.
Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva, seen here after competing in the women’s free skate program at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, tested positive for a banned substance. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

Russian Olympic figure skater Kamila Valieva’s drug test: The substances and their potential performance effects

A doctor and lifelong figure skater explains what was found in Valieva’s drug test, what effects the substances might have and how performance enhancements might benefit a figure skater.
A statue of Terry Fox at Parliament Hill was decorated with a Canadian flag, protest sign and hat when protesters participating in a cross-country convoy against measures to curb the spread of COVID-19. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Why defacing the Terry Fox statue touched a nerve with so many Canadians

When the “freedom convoy” used the Terry Fox statue as part of their demonstration, people were outraged. It showed the public still finds value in protecting a memorial that represents their values.
Truckers and supporters gather in Delta, B.C. on Jan. 23 before departing on a cross-country convoy that arrived in Ottawa five days later. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Like the truck-machines in ‘Mad Max,’ the ‘freedom convoy’ relies on access to fuel

The movie franchise ‘Mad Max’ contains a cautionary tale about our over-reliance on fuel for vehicles. This dependence has been highlighted by the ‘freedom convoy’ and its relationships with fuel.
A Ukrainian serviceman, seen through a camouflage mesh, stands at a frontline position in the Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine, in January 2022. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

Alpine hills and sandy beaches: The real frontlines of the Ukraine-Russia conflict

The risk to Ukraine’s democracy currently lies with the politicians who have offshore assets that can be massaged and altered from Moscow or elsewhere. Preventing this is essential.


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