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Edith Cowan University

ECU provides the ideal learning environment for people who want to reach their potential. Located in Western Australia, our industry-relevant teaching and research, supportive study environment and award-winning facilities enable ECU students to do more than just survive in this world – they thrive in it. Our world-class research strives to make a difference to the community in Western Australia and beyond. ECU focuses on working with our communities, business and government organisations to solve real-world problems.


Displaying 541 - 560 of 592 articles

Presenting misinformation to our children about sex, sexual health and relationships is a risky practice. from

Rational, modern sex education is a must for all Aussie kids

Religious exemptions to the anti-discrimination act should end to ensure fear mongering and misinformation are not present in our schools.
Stoats (Mustela erminea), feral cats (Felis catus), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and black rats (Rattus rattus) are invasive predators in different parts of the world. Clockwise from top left: Sabec/ (CC BY-SA 3.0); T Doherty; CSIRO/ (CC BY 3.0); 0ystercatcher/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Killing cats, rats and foxes is no silver bullet for saving wildlife

Research published this week shows saving wildlife is much more complicated than killing introduced predators. Killing predators often doesn’t work, and is sometimes actually worse for native wildlife.
Beyond being told or incentivised to hire older workers, employers need to feel they are making the right decision. Image sourced from

Employers need more than money to hire older workers

The government wants to see more older workers in the workforce, but first we need to overcome the ageist attitudes held my many employers.
Broadcaster Derryn Hinch is a prominent campaigner for US-style sex offender registries, but it is important to be aware of their limitations. AAP/Dan Peled

Sex offender registers don’t mean we can assume children are safe

Western Australia was the first state in the nation to allow public access to a sex offender register online. The public needs to understand how it works to avoid a false sense of security.
It’s hard for kids to remember a string of arbitrary numbers. from

Here’s how to get kids to remember times tables

Lots of kids have trouble remembering their times tables. Learning them by rote can mean a child knows the numbers but not what they mean.
Heterosexual students don’t benefit from not knowing about homosexuality. from

Making schools safer and more welcoming for LGBTQI students

The Australian curriculum is completely silent on the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersexed (LGBTQI) students and discusses sexuality only in terms of the biological.
The small amount of research that has been undertaken on Reading Recovery does show a positive effect. But all teacher interventions show some positive effect, and it’s not enough to justify continued use of the program. from

There are many remedial programs superior to Reading Recovery

The Reading Recovery program assumes reading is a natural process that can be guessed from pictures, but there are far better programs with proven effectiveness.
Feral cats eat tens of millions of native animals in Australia every night. Another Eye

Feral feast: cats kill hundreds of Australian animals

Feral cats are estimated to eat tens of millions of native animals each night in Australia. But what kinds of wildlife are they eating? In research published today in the Journal of Biogeography, my colleagues…
Along with governments, doctors, and infectious disease experts, the media have a duty to help halt the spread of Ebola with responsible reporting. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

A tale of two epidemics: media reporting on Ebola

Time magazine has named health workers caring for Ebola victims in West Africa as its “Person of the Year 2014” and compared them to “military special forces who volunteered to fight the epidemic when…
Modelling how to be a tolerant and welcoming Australian starts in the classroom. AAP

Becoming a tolerant Australian starts in the classroom

Yesterday morning on ABC 720 Perth, presenter Geoff Hutchison took a talkback call from an Imam, Yahya Ibrahim, who told the listeners he is deputy principal of a local Islamic school and a chaplain at…
Despite the increase in HIV diagnoses, media coverage of this important health issue remains patchy and sensationalist. Flickr: Tom

Media reports of HIV can be part of the problem – or the solution

Research has shown that if used effectively, the media can play an important role in lessening fear and stigma about HIV – the biggest obstacles to seeking information and treatment about the disease…
Lighting and CGI creates interiors reminiscent of Caravaggio. HBO

Game of Thrones is the Holy Grail of TV production

With the fourth season of HBO’s Game of Thrones (GoT) upon us, many of us will once again escape to the mythical land of Westeros. And we’ll do so thanks to a vast array of international locations and…
It’s like putting a V8 engine in your heart – it’s not built to be sped up at that rate. Image from

Health warning about body-sculpting drug clenbuterol

The growing number of Australians illicitly using the drug clenbuterol to lose weight and build muscle mass are putting themselves at risk of heart attack, researchers say. Clenbuterol is legally prescribed…
With so many choices ‘below the line’ how are voters confident they’ve ranked candidates correctly? AAP/Dean Lewins

Humans struggle with decisions – why make elections so difficult?

It’s been a crazy year for decision making. Not only did we have an election, we now have the threat of a double dissolution if the Federal Senate keeps knocking back bills from the House of Representatives…


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