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Queensland University of Technology

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is an Australian university with an emphasis on real-world courses and applied research. Based in Brisbane with strong global connections, it has 40,000 students, including 6,000 from overseas.


Displaying 1381 - 1400 of 1540 articles

Should there really be “sympathy” for the free-to-air networks as their protected oligopoly crumbles in the face of competing platforms and services?

Why new media reforms are bad news for Australian content

Two of the government’s six media reform bills passed in the House of Representatives with multi-party support on Tuesday night. While most attention and debate has focused on the regulation of the news…
Traditional newsrooms have shrunk but new players have emerged, the report said.

Newsroom cuts a boon for PR but a turnoff for readers: report

Widespread cost cutting in newsrooms has led to less investigative journalism, more weather and traffic reports and greater opportunities for lobbyists to get their message into the media, a US report…
Former News International executive Rebekah Brooks leaves the Old Bailey after appearing on charges of conspiring to bribe public officials. It was revelations about journalistic practises at News that inspired inquiries in Australia and the UK. EPA/Andy Rain

UK and Australian media reforms are very different beasts

There are at least two points of convergence in this week’s parliamentary deliberations on media freedom in Australia and the UK. Both are driven by reports – Finkelstein and Leveson respectively – responding…
Australian universities need to trim down their bureaucracies. University image from

Reform Australian universities by cutting their bureaucracies

Universities drive a knowledge economy, generate new ideas and teach people how to think critically. Anything other than strong investment in them will likely harm Australia. But as Australian politicians…
Julia Gillard’s tour of the western suburbs of Sydney is a shining example of politics and media merging into “stunt”. AAP/Paul Miller

Mug punters: the people and their relationship with politics and the media

We live in an era of expanded media and accelerated news cycles, in which citizens have access to more information, and more opportunities to participate in the public sphere, than ever before in human…
Simon Crean has set out a forward-looking proposal for the future of Australian arts. But will it last? AAP/Alan Porritt

National cultural policy is bold, but vulnerable

The first major national cultural policy in 19 years was unveiled by Minister for the Arts Simon Crean yesterday. Minister Crean has called it “a national cultural policy for the decade.” Uncharitable…
Senator Stephen Conroy did not have a mandate for significant change. AAP/Lukas Coch

Low-key Conroy proposals are media reform lite

Yesterday, communications minister Senator Stephen Conroy finally presented the government response to the Convergence Review and Finkelstein review. It is hard to know how many drafts of this long-awaited…
Minister for Communications Stephen Conroy released the Federal Government’s response to Convergence Review and Finkelstein Inquiry today. AAP/Lukas Coch

Conroy proposes media reforms: the experts respond

Australian print and online news organisations will be self-regulated through voluntary membership of a press standards body, under media reforms proposed by the Federal Government today. The reforms comprise…
The McKeon review of health and medical research funding is now in the government’s hands with the review panel stepping up its focus on the return on investment. Paul Miller/AAP

Health review panel adjusts funding recommendations

The McKeon review of health and medical research has reduced its short term funding bid in the face of current federal budget pressures. The draft review, released in October last year, suggested an additional…

Australian Twitter News Index: Anything But the Election

I’m still struggling to return our Australian Twitter News Index to a weekly schedule – so for now, I’m afraid it remains condemned to a fortnightly existence. Hopefully this will be able to change in…
Hotel Cunnamulla – where Terry Lewis’ rise began. AAP/James Shrimpton

The man who would be commissioner: Bjelke-Petersen’s crooked pick

For his new book Three Crooked Kings, author and journalist Matthew Condon had unprecedented access to the jailed Queensland Police Commissioner Terry Lewis who speaks for the first time about the events…
The proposals are aimed at increasing the gift of organ donation. asenat29/Flickr

New proposals to increase donation rates may go too far

The continuing shortfall of organs available for transplantation has recently prompted a radical rethink of current end-of-life practices in the United Kingdom. The British Medical Association (BMA) has…

Australian Twitter News Index: Bumper Days for the ABC

I’m afraid our Australian Twitter News Index still hasn’t quite returned to its normal weekly rhythm – so here is another multi-week round-up of how Twitter users shared links to Australian news sites…
Fairfax chief Greg Hywood says The Guardian is not a competitive brand in Australia. AAP/Paul Miller

Fairfax delays paywall, dismisses threat from The Guardian

Fairfax chief executive Greg Hywood has dismissed the threat from the impending Australian launch of UK media group The Guardian, telling shareholders it is not a strong competitive brand in Australia…
The NHRMC’s infant health guidelines recommend that breastfeeding is continued until 12 months of age and beyond, for as long as the mother and child desire.

Start solids at ‘around six months’: new infant feeding guidelines

Infants should be exclusively breastfed until six months of age and solids should be introduced at “around six months”, according to official new infant feeding guidelines released today. The guidelines…
Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings has proposed a framework for ‘voluntary assisted dying’ with Tasmanian Greens Leader Nick McKim. AAP/Alan Porritt

Tasmania could lead the way for voluntary euthanasia laws

Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings and Leader of the Tasmanian Greens Nick McKim have released a discussion paper that outlines and seeks comment on a proposed framework for “voluntary assisted dying”. The…
Google has won a High Court case in which the ACCC alleged it engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct. AAP/John G. Mabanglo

Google triumph over ACCC seen as a loss for consumers

Google has triumphed in a High Court case with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, in what experts say is a setback for the competition regulator and a loss for consumers. The ACCC had…
Riders who do not wear helmets are more likely to disobey traffic rules or ride with a blood alcohol level above 0.05, the study found.

Crash data shows cyclists with no helmets more likely to ride drunk

Cyclists who ride without helmets are more likely to take risks while riding, like disobeying traffic controls or cycling while drunk, a new study of road accident data has found. The study, conducted…


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