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University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth is a modern university with a strong reputation for quality teaching and sustained, high levels of student satisfaction. Its academics possess notable research strengths and are international experts pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their respective fields.

Over 3,000 staff supports the cohort of nearly 22,000, which includes 3,000 students from over 140 countries.


Displaying 161 - 180 of 702 articles

Botol, kemasan, sendok garpu, dan kantong plastik yang dijual gerai makanan bungkus pulang mendominasi sampah laut. Richard Smith/Shutterstock

Riset: 3 cara agar larangan plastik sekali pakai dapat ampuh menangkal pencemaran

Pencemaran plastik terkait dengan ‘throwaway culture’ yang mengakar di banyak masyarakat dunia. Jika tidak dibarengi strategi perubahan perilaku, larangan plastik hanya menciptakan perubahan kecil.


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