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University of Winchester

The University of Winchester is the university for sustainability and social justice. Established in 1840 by the Church of England, our high-quality teaching and research are underpinned by our values: compassion, individuals matter and spirituality.

Driven by a commitment to make a difference, the University has a growing reputation for research excellence and innovation across our academic disciplines, as we continue to deliver impact at regional, national and international level.

Our research themes are:

  • Understanding society, culture and the arts
  • Exploring the past and the world around us
  • Enhancing wellbeing, nurturing the individual, and
  • Building a sustainable and responsible future.

Pioneering work in sustainability and social responsibility has earned the University of Winchester a place in the top 100 of the first-ever global Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings, and placed second overall in the UK for Quality Education.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 94 articles

Les enfants dont les parents sont trop investis ont tendance à être plus inquiets que les autres. Shutterstock

Parents « hélicoptères », enfants sous pression !

Il est normal de vouloir le meilleur pour son enfant. Mais faire peser trop d’attentes sur lui et s’immiscer trop largement dans ses choix peut entraver son développement.
Les enfants uniques ne sont pas plus susceptibles d'être égoïstes ou narcissiques que les autres. Shutterstock

Les mythes sur l’enfant unique déboulonnés

Les enfants uniques ne sont pas plus susceptibles d’être égoïstes ou narcissiques que ceux qui ont des frères ou soeurs.

Desmontando el mito del hijo único

Los hijos únicos tienden a ser más inteligentes y a obtener mejores resultados académicos que las personas con hermanos. Y, sin embargo, aún pesan sobre ellos muchos estereotipos (egoístas, caprichosos…) que la psicología moderna se ha encargado de desmontar.
Will Pucovski recently opened up about dealing with mental health issues, a message the media and the sporting community welcomed with warmth and understanding. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Big men do cry: cricketers are leading the charge for inclusive masculinity

Rising Australian cricket star Will Pucovski is one of a recent trio of professional cricketers to take a break from playing to boost their mental well-being.


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