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Washington University in St. Louis


Displaying 61 - 79 of 79 articles

A whirlwind of speculation about Deutsche Bank’s health has surrounded its headquarters in Munich. AP Photo/Michael Probst

Deutsche Bank turmoil shows risks of weakening bank capital standards

Is the financial system headed for another ‘Lehman moment’? Perhaps, but a bailout isn’t the solution. More capital is, something Trump should remember as he rewrites U.S. bank rules.
The rising costs of EpiPens has led to outrage. Rich Pedroncelli/AP

Drug prices: Where do we go after the Election?

The rising cost of drugs is more worrisome to most Americans than problems with Obamacare. Could proposals in California and Ohio help?
Smokers not only pay a lot of money for cigarettes but also for their health insurance.

Another cost of smoking: Sky-high insurance

To discourage smoking, insurance companies charge higher premiums for smokers. This is having an unexpected consequence: rather than quit smoking, poor people are quitting insurance.
Treated with zinc nanoparticles, mung bean plants like these grew larger and produced more beans. Chad Zuber/

How nanotechnology can help us grow more food using less energy and water

Growing enough food to feed 9 billion people by 2050 will require huge amounts of energy and water. Using nanoparticles to boost plant growth and yield could save resources and reduce water pollution.
The first issue of Black Panther, a Marvel series written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, was released last month. Marvel Comics

Why the stakes are so high for the Black Panther

In the entertainment industry, the success or failure of a minority lead can be a referendum on whether or not to use diverse leads for future projects.
It is more fable than fact that a woman’s virginity can be determined by observing her hymen. The organ looks like the petals of flowers with clefts and notches. Shutterstock/kubais

Women suffer the myths of the hymen and the virginity test

The Indonesian public lambasted the Indonesian police after Human Rights Watch released a report that police conducted “virginity tests” on female applicants in the police recruitment process. Many pointed…
St Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch asked grand jury to do investigation POOL New/ Reuters

Explainer: The grand jury in the Darren Wilson case and beyond

Now that the grand jury has decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year old man, there remain many questions about this grand jury and generally…
Curbing teen pregnancy rates will take more than just access to contraception. Image of pregnant women via Coffeemill/

How to bring the teen pregnancy rate down

Teen pregnancy is a public health problem in the United States. According to 2010 estimates, girls aged 15-19 years accounted for 614,000 pregnancies in the US. An additional 11,000 pregnancies were recorded…
Excessive use of force? EPA/David Carson

Michael Brown, Ferguson and the nature of unrest

The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time … I know the events of the past few days have prompted…
E-C-S-T-A-T-I-C. Michael Reynolds/EPA

How to be a whizz at spelling

Children who compete in spelling bees often dazzle with their ability to spell complex words. In this year’s televised Scripps National Spelling Bee, two American teenagers were so good they were crowned…
So, you found my ancestors? Are you sure this time? epsos

Earliest evidence of cat domestication found in China

There has been much debate about how cats went from hunting in the wild to a much-loved pet. That is because we know little about their domestication. Now researchers have found the earliest case of cat…


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