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Articles on Inflation

Displaying 521 - 540 of 571 articles

African governments have some hard decisions to make if they want to breathe new life into the ‘Africa Rising’ narrative. Shutterstock

Africa needs smart macroeconomic policies to navigate headwinds

Africa needs to navigate the difficult economic waters that lie ahead without undoing the gains of the past two decades. Success will require difficult political choices.
South Africa’s Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s budget fell short on cost-cutting details. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

South Africa’s 2016 budget: long on promise but short on detail

The budget showed some sense of urgency but still fell short on implementation plans. There should have been more, particularly details on cost-cutting initiatives.
Thousands of civil service employees gather during a protest march for higher pay at the Union Buildings in Pretoria in 2010. EPA/Jon Hrusa

Civil service pay: South Africa has some harsh choices to make

South Africa’s government should urgently announce a moratorium on civil service employment growth. The country has reached its upper limit in the number of civil servants that can be sustained.
Running the economy is a bit like running a race… Jogger wall via

How the Federal Reserve keeps the US economy from bonking

My buddy is training for his third Chicago Marathon. I’m preparing for a 10K mud-run. He’s really fit and a family nurse practitioner, so I seek his advice on how to get in shape and what to eat. His advice…
South African Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago is the third since the bank adopted a more transparent way of operating. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Clearing up the mystique of central banking

The South African Reserve Bank is a fine example of clear communication of the decision whether to hold, increase, or decrease interest rates. It also gives clear signals of future decisions.
Treasurer Joe Hockey must weigh all aspects of Australia’s economy in his budget. AAP/Lukas Coch

Budget explainer: the forces influencing Australia’s economy

As we head into the federal budget tonight, all eyes will be on how the Coalition government might tackle some challenging economic data affecting Australia’s economy.

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