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Articles on Iran

Displaying 501 - 520 of 574 articles

The modern Saudi state rarely steps outside of its borders militarily unless it feels existentially threatened – as it is doing now in Yemen. EPA/Yahya Arhab

Saudi incursion in Yemen more about security than sectarianism

Saudi Arabia’s incursion into Yemen is the latest manifestation of a long-standing struggle between it and Iran over statist issues of conflicting national interest, security and regional hegemony.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) holds a meeting with Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (R) over Iran’s nuclear program in Lausanne on March 17, 2015. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Republican fear and loathing of Iran has international consequences

The US is just one actor in an important global non-proliferation regime that works towards preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.
Benjamin Netanyahu was the first foreign leader to be invited to address Congress without a US president’s consent or knowledge. EPA/Michael Reynolds

Netanyahu address to Congress was more about domestic politics than Iran

For many Israelis, the potential danger of a bad deal with Iran pales in comparison to the damage caused to US-Israeli relations by Benjamin Netanyahu’s trickery.
Seriously, don’t drop that. US DOD via Wikimedia Commons

Look out Iran, the US has built the biggest ever bunker-buster

The world’s largest non-nuclear bomb, and easily the most powerful “earthquake bomb” ever built, has now been tested and can be delivered by the B-2 stealth bomber. While the Massive Ordnance Penetrator…
We’re making progress. POOL New/ Reuters

Most Americans want diplomatic engagement with Iran

In his State of the Union address, the President’s core message was that the US has emerged strong from the twin crises caused by the 2001 terrorist attacks and the 2008 global recession. And the challenge…
A harbinger of things to come? VP Joe BIden up close and personal with Brazil’s President Rousseff Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

Around the world in 2015: the big stories predicted

The New Year always provides an opportunity for both introspection and speculation. So it seems a good time to consider what the big stories are likely to be this year. Some of the five major stories I…
A negotiated end to Syria crisis might allow this child to go back home. Khalil Ashawi/Reuters

How will the Syrian War be resolved?

The most serious attempt to bring the Syrian regime and representatives of the opposition together around a negotiating table together took place at the 2014 Geneva II peace talks. The talks were based…

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