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Articles on NATO

Displaying 341 - 360 of 379 articles

Where to? U.S. Army Europe Images/Flickr

Should the UK spend more on defence?

With austerity on the agenda, the upcoming strategic reviews will be critical to deciding the future of the UK’s defence force.
A nuclear-capable Pakistani missile during testing in 2011. The international community hopes other aspiring nuclear nations can develop nuclear power without the military muscle. EPA/INTER SERVICES/AAP

Power and peace: how nations can go nuclear without weapons

Through history, nuclear power has gone hand in hand with the nuclear arms race. But does it have to be this way? Closer international cooperation can help nations embrace nuclear power peacefully.
A protest in front of the Ministry of Defence in Kiev. EPA/Roman Pilipey

West beats the drum for war while Russia plays games in Ukraine

In recent weeks, eastern Ukraine’s Russian-backed rebels have won several military victories on the battlefield in the Ukrainian Donbas. First they captured the virtually destroyed Donetsk airport, then…
Commemorating the dead of the revolution. Radu Sigheti/Reuters

Romania’s revolution: 25 years on

25 years after the beginning of the Romanian Revolution. I am standing in the University Plaza in Bucharest. My memory is channeling echoes of gun shots and student resistance; the smell of perspiration…
This crowd wants their president out David W Cerny/Reuters

Prague’s velvet: wearing off 25 years later

The United States had just gone through a bruising election, but in Congress Democratic and Republican leaders gathered to unveil the bust of Vaclav Havel, the playwright and first post-Communist Czech…
Humanitarians no more? EPA/Andy Rain

Standing up to Russia sinks any humanitarian role for NATO

After the NATO-led interventions in Kosovo and Libya, many commentators argued that the Responsibility to Protect, the fashionable name for humanitarian military intervention, had finally become an established…
NATO forces board a suspected pirate vessel. UK Ministry of Defence

NATO at sea: deeper role for alliance in maritime security

As NATO meets in Wales, the public’s attention is bound to be on how the organisation will handle the conflict in Ukraine. But the meeting is also an important window of opportunity to develop a long term…
The changing face of security threats. Vincent Diamante

NATO to unveil cyber-defence strategy fit for changing times

Late one Saturday evening in March, NATO’s Headquarters experienced a large-scale cyber-attack at the hands of a group calling itself Anonymous Bierkut from Ukraine. Non-classified networks were targeted…
David Cameron and Anders Fogh Rasmussen have a plan. Luke MacGregor/PA Wire/Press Association Images

Explainer: what’s on the agenda at the NATO summit?

NATO member states are meeting this week in Wales at what could prove a milestone summit. Since the 2012 Chicago meeting, the security landscape has changed dramatically and important questions about NATO’s…

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