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Articles on Soccer

Displaying 161 - 180 of 231 articles

American justice at work. Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

What the FIFA scandal really tells us – about the US

I have lived in the US for over three decades. And I have never seen soccer – that is, real “football” – dominate the front pages of US newspapers for so many days and with so many stories. In that sense…
The FBI’s net may fail to ensnare FIFA’s “teflon don,” but it could inspire other probes. Reuters

FIFA prosecution is worth it, even if the big fish get away

Corruption at the pinnacle of sports sets a tone for all the rest. Targeting its roots is the right thing to do no matter what comes of the FBI’s investigation.
An Australian study found certain elite athletes were more at risk of taking drugs than others. Lee Morley/Flickr

Sports stars do take drugs – but not as much as the rest of us

Our study found that 8% of the 1,684 elite Australian athletes we surveyed said they had used at least one of six illicit drugs – including ecstasy, cocaine and cocaine – over the previous year.

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