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The Conversation's politics podcast
Michelle Grattan, Chief Political Correspondent at The Conversation, talks politics with politicians and experts.

Latest Episodes

Word from The Hill: Treasurer Chalmers warns against getting too excited by $50 billion improvement in budget bottom line

Michelle & Amanda Dunn 20.09

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this podcast Michelle and Amanda Dunn, the Conversation’s politics editor, canvass Jim Chalmers' announcement of a windfall improvement of almost $50 billion in the budget outcome for the financial year…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Professor Joseph Ibrahim on COVID in aged care – and the end of nursing homes

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Professor Joseph Ibrahim on COVID in aged care – and the end of nursing homes

Joseph Ibrahim, Professor and Head, Health Law and Ageing Research Unit, Monash University, specialises in aged care issues. He has been a long-term advocate for improving the quality of life for those in residential care and for reform of the sector. In this podcast, Ibrahim says currently COVID in aged care facilities is going largely unnoticed in the media. "If you have a look into the media coverage…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: Will Queen Elizabeth's death affect Australian politics?

Michelle & Amanda 1309

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this podcast Michelle and Amanda Dunn, the Conversation's politics editor, canvass Anthony Albanese's announcement of ten "everyday" Australians who will travel with him to the United Kingdom on Thursday…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Simon Holmes à Court on 'community independents' and two state elections

Simon Holmes à Court on ‘community independents’ and two state elections

Simon Holmes à Court and his Climate 200, the body that provided funding for "teal" and some other independent candidates who promoted action on climate change, integrity and women's issues, had great success at the federal election. But will community candidates become a big force in November's Victorian poll and the March NSW election? In this podcast, Holmes à Court talks about the "enthusiasm…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: More mortgage pain, Labor's climate legislation nearly done, and Scott Morrison staying put

Michelle & Amanda 06.09.2022

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation’s politics team. In this podcast, Politics and Society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss Tuesday's interest rate rise of 50 basis points – the fifth increase in a row – as well as the imminent passage of Labor's climate…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: Albanese announces more than $1 billion in federal-state TAFE funding

Word from The Hill: Albanese announces more than $1 billion in federal-state TAFE funding

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation's politics team. In this podcast, Politics and Society editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle canvass the start of the jobs summit – at which Anthony Albanese announced a package of more than $1 billion in federal-state funding…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Treasurer Chalmers on boosting migration and a 'resilience' budget

Jim Chalmers & Michelle Grattan

For Treasurer Jim Chalmers, this week's jobs and skills summit is the prelude to what will be his main game, the October budget. The summit, to be held in Canberra on Thursday and Friday, still has many moving parts, notably in the intense debate we're hearing about what changes should be made to the wages system. But Chalmers can already welcome "a broad appetite" for raising permanent migration from…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: David Littleproud on charting his course in opposition

Politics with Michelle Grattan: David Littleproud on charting his course in opposition

David Littleproud runs his own race. In opposition he's Nationals leader first and Coalitionist second. Thus he was quick out of the blocks criticising Scott Morrison's power grab, and when Peter Dutton rejected an invitation to next week's jobs and skills summit, Littleproud said he wanted to go. In this Podcast Littleproud says about the government's planned inquiry into Morrison's actions: "I'm…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word From The Hill: More heat piled on Morrison over those multiple ministries

Michelle & Amanda 23.08.2022

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this podcast, politics editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss the solicitor-general's advice on Scott Morrison's secret appointment to multiple ministries, which flouted "responsible government". Morrison's…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Crossbencher Helen Haines on Morrison and integrity

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Crossbencher Helen Haines on Morrison and integrity

The revelation that Scott Morrison secretly had himself appointed to five separate portfolios has triggered widespread outrage, just when the broader question of integrity has been a big political issue. In this podcast, Michelle Grattan speaks with Independent member for Indi Helen Haines, who has pushed for a national integrity commission. Such a body will soon be legislated by the Albanese government…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: On Scott Morrison's bizarre power grab

Word from The Hill: On Scott Morrison’s bizarre power grab

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this podcast, politics editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss this week's revelations that former prime minster Scott Morrison had himself secretly sworn into five different portfolios. They talk about…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: How far will China go? La Trobe's Nick Bisley says its 'risk appetite' has gone up

Politics with Michelle Grattan: How far will China go? La Trobe’s Nick Bisley says its ‘risk appetite’ has gone up

The Chinese reaction to United States Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan visit further escalated tensions in our region, as China becomes more bellicose in language and action. On Wednesday, China's Ambassador Xiao Qian spoke at the National Press Club. He talked about wanting a positive relationship between Australia and China, while reiterating China's uncompromising line towards Taiwan, and giving a…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Tom Calma on the Indigenous Voice to parliament

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Tom Calma on the Indigenous Voice to parliament

The Albanese government has released the draft wording for enshrining an Indigenous Voice to parliament in the constitution. Anthony Albanese is making a referendum a priority but history tells us how hard these are to pass. Tom Calma, Chancellor of the University of Canberra, has been a leading participant in Indigenous affairs for many years. He and professor Marcia Langton prepared a report for…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: Peter Dutton puts nuclear power on opposition's agenda

Word from The Hill: Peter Dutton puts nuclear power on opposition’s agenda

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. In this podcast, politics editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle canvass Tuesday's decision by the Reserve Bank to raise the cash rate again, by 50 basis points to 1.85%. They also talk about Peter Dutton's announcement…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Independent senator and former Wallabies captain David Pocock on Pride jersey boycott

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Independent senator and former Wallabies captain David Pocock on Pride jersey boycott

Newly-elected senator David Pocock has already made history by becoming the first independent to hold a senate seat for the ACT. On the progressive side of politics, Pocock is in a potentially powerful position, with the government needing the support of the Greens and just one crossbencher to pass legislation that is opposed by the Coalition. The issues that matter most to Pocock include "climate…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: Is Morrison's absence from parliament disrespectful to his voters?

Word from The Hill: Is Morrison’s absence from parliament disrespectful to his voters?

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. Politics editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle talk about the opening of the 47th Parliament, the prospects for the climate legislation that seeks to enshrine the 43% emissions reduction target, and Treasurer Jim…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Health Minister Mark Butler warns COVID wave will worsen

Health Minister Mark Butler warns COVID wave will worsen

With COVID cases surging in a new wave and half the winter still ahead, the news from Health Minister Mark Butler isn't good. "We haven't reached the peak of the wave yet," he tells the podcast. "Case numbers are going to continue to climb over the coming weeks [...] and as a result, hospitalisations are going to continue to climb as well." The response, he says, is "a question of balance". People…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: 'Pandemic fatigue' takes its toll of mandates and even the expert health advice

Word from The Hill: ‘Pandemic fatigue’ takes its toll of mandates and even the expert health advice

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. Politics editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss the rising number of COVID cases, and state governments' reluctance to bring back mandates such as for mask-wearing. These governments know many of the public…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jason Clare on Australia's education challenges

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Jason Clare on Australia’s education challenges

New Education Minister Jason Clare is travelling the country taking soundings in the education sector. This, he says, is "the best way to get across this big, vast portfolio that stretches from the education of our youngest children right through to the incredible work our brilliant postgraduate people are doing in our universities. "What am I hearing? What am I learning? I get the impression that…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: People's pockets hit again, with rate rise and floods set to boost veggie prices

Word from The Hill: People’s pockets hit again, with rate rise and floods set to boost veggie prices

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. Michelle and Peter Browne from the Politics + Society team discuss Anthony Albanese's visit to Ukraine, and the desirability of Australia reopening its embassy there as soon as it can. More generally, Australia's…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: Parliamentary 'newbies' inspect their workplace, with some complaints

Word from The Hill: Parliamentary ‘newbies’ inspect their workplace, with some complaints

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. Michelle and Peter Browne from the Politics + Society team discuss Anthony Albanese's weighing a Ukraine visit and whether Australia will announce more support for that country and reopen its embassy there…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Greg Barns on the battle to free Julian Assange

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Greg Barns on the battle to free Julian Assange

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is facing extradition to the United States after this was given the green light by the British Government. Assange faces charges of espionage over the publication of classified information about US actions in the Iraq War. Barrister Greg Barns has worked pro bono on Assagne's case for the last nine years as part of the Australian Assange campaign. Barns argues…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: On interest rates, people smugglers, parliamentary sitting, and Julian Assange

On the economy, people smugglers, parliamentary sitting, and Julian Assange

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. Politics editor Amanda Dunn and Michelle discuss Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe's Tuesday statements about the economic outlook. Lowe has again warned of more rate rises, indicating the bank is determined…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Tony Wood on the unprecedented energy crisis

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Tony Wood on the unprecedented energy crisis

As the energy crisis continues to grip Australia's east coast with consumers told to limit their consumption and warnings of blackouts Tony Wood, director of the energy program at the Grattan Institute, speaks with Michelle Grattan about why this has happened and what can be done to fix the system. The crisis is unprecedented, Wood says. "We've certainly seen situations where things have got very tight…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan

Word from The Hill: Bowen says "bumpy" time ahead for power supply – but don't turn the heater off

Word from The Hill: Bowen says “bumpy” time ahead on power, but you can keep the heater on

As well as her interviews with politicians and experts, Politics with Michelle Grattan includes "Word from The Hill", where she discusses the news with members of The Conversation politics team. This week Michelle and politics editor Amanda Dunn discuss the apparent early signs of a thaw in China's attitude towards Australia. But Anthony Albanese has responded by saying China needs to do something…

1 Host: Michelle Grattan