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Articles on Atmosphere

Displaying 61 - 80 of 91 articles

They may look comfy to sit on but you’d plummet through and hit the ground. Sam Schooler/Unsplash

What would it feel like to touch a cloud?

You might have already felt what it would be like inside a cloud made of condensed water vapor.
Unlike Earth’s atmosphere, Jupiter’s ‘sky’ hosts magnificent shades of orange, white, brown and blue. NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt

Curious Kids: is the sky blue on other planets?

Atmospheres can be all different colours, depending on what’s in them.
The air up high is just really bad at ‘holding’ onto the radiation coming from the Sun, and the warmth passes straight through it on its journey toward the ground. Kevin Spencer/flicr

Curious Kids: why is air colder the higher up you go?

It helps if you imagine the ground here on Earth as a big heater. It keeps us warm, and if you move away from the heater you feel cold.
The ocean absorbs about 90 percent of the excess heat produced as climate change warms the earth. Image Catalog

New findings on ocean warming: 5 questions answered

According to a new study, the oceans have absorbed more heat from climate change than previously thought. This could mean the Earth will warm even faster in the future than scientists have predicted.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captures Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, passes in front of the planet and its rings. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Capturing the shadow of Saturn’s moon Titan from right here on Earth

Titan is more than a billion kilometres from our Sun but occasionally it’s shadow can be seen here on Earth, with the right technology. That’s what scientists gathered in Western Australia to observe.
The air doesn’t like to be under pressure just like us. The wind is the result of the air trying to escape from high pressure. Mami Kempe / The Conversation

Curious Kids: What causes windy weather?

Wind is just air moving from one place where there is high pressure to another place where there is low pressure.
Lasers being shone from the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. These lasers help remove the twinkles in the night sky and help astronomers see stars clearer on Earth than ever before. F. Kamphues/ESO

Curious Kids: Why do stars twinkle?

How exactly do the stars twinkle in the night sky? As it turns out, the answer is full of hot air… and cold air.

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