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University of St. Thomas

The University of St. Thomas is a Catholic, comprehensive university that fosters a tradition of service to the public and an energetic, thoughtful approach to the challenges of contemporary life.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 21 articles

In China, single women as young as 27 are considered ‘leftover.’ Maciej Toporowicz/Monument via Getty Images

Why are some Chinese women still looking to the West for love?

Their desire to pursue marriage abroad not only reveals their longing for a better life but also reveals the pervasive gender, age and class inequalities that continue to plague modern-day China.
Face aux difficultés logistiques, la solution peut-être l’internalisation mais aussi de travailler sur la formation de ses fournisseurs. Ina Fassbender / AFP

Une pénurie chez son fournisseur ? Quand les entreprises trouvent des solutions

Pour améliorer leurs performances financières mais aussi environnementales, c’est aussi aux entreprises qui achètent de prendre l’initiative.
En 2019, le transporteur GEFCO a acquis la plate-forme Chronotruck pour réduire le nombre de déplacements perdus. Wikimedia commons

Après la Covid, un virage plus vert s’amorce dans la logistique

Face aux exigences environnementales, les prestataires de services de transports, d’emballage et de stockage adoptent de nouvelles pratiques qui varient toutefois selon la taille de l’entreprise.
Aktivis Greta Thunberg termasuk di antara peserta yang ingin para pemimpin dunia untuk memprioritaskan agenda memerangi perubahan iklim. AP Photo/Michael Probst

Apa masalah terbesar di dunia saat ini? Tergantung kita bertanya pada CEO, pakar, atau filsuf

Pertemuan tahunan Forum Ekonomi Dunia (WEF) di Davos menempatkan risiko lingkungan sebagai paling genting, sementara CEO dunia melihat regulasi berlebihan sebagai ancaman terbesar mereka.
A police officer stands guard over the global elites who decided to make the trek to Davos this year. AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Why the Davos elites are still relevant

The high-profile absence of several world leaders including Trump from the World Economic Forum has led some to suggest its influence is in decline. A philosopher who has seen Davos up close disagrees.
Le pape François a révisé son anglais durant tout l'été. Mike Segar/Reuters

Les États-Unis, terre de mission sensible pour le pape

La visite du pape François aux États-Unis est l’une des plus cruciales de son pontificat. En quelques années, le catholicisme américain a pris une place centrale au Vatican.
Will there be brotherly love in Philadelphia next September? Giampiero Sposito/Reuters

Pope Francis’s ‘American problem’

In late November, the Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis is going to visit the United States of America for the World Meeting of Families that will take place in Philadelphia at the end of September 2015…
They are listening but whose side are they on? Max Rossi/Reuters

The tectonic plates of world Catholicism shift

An extraordinary two weeks in Rome ended Saturday with a standing ovation. Pope Francis had invited 191 bishops and clergy to the Synod on the family to speak their minds on issues such as divorce, premarital…
Christopher Monckton deliberately misleads the public on climate change. AAP

The chief troupier: the follies of Mr Monckton

CLEARING UP THE CLIMATE DEBATE: Associate Professor John Abraham puts Christopher Monckton’s climate claims to the test. This summer, the people of Australia will yet again be treated to a circus tour…


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