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University of Tasmania

The University of Tasmania generates powerful and unique ideas and knowledge for the benefit of our island and the world. Through excellent research and teaching, we strive to stimulate economic growth, lift literacy, improve health outcomes for Tasmania and nurture our environment as it nurtures us.


Displaying 181 - 200 of 1090 articles

Dean Lewins/AAP

Open letter: the RBA review should be independent of government

The independent review of the Reserve Bank should be headed by someone from outside the country say 12 leading economists in an open letter to the treasurer.
Questions submitted to the Curious Climate Schools project by Margate Primary School students.

How well does the new Australian Curriculum prepare young people for climate change?

More of the curriculum is devoted to climate change, but it’s still not presented holistically. Teachers also need more training and resources to help them prepare students for a changing climate.
Mick Tsikas/AAP

State of the states: six politics experts take us around Australia in the final week of the campaign

In the first week of the campaign we journeyed around the country with a team of politics experts. Now we retrace our steps to look at what’s happened since.

Attending school every day counts – but kids in out-of-home care are missing out

Attendance at school is crucial to improving educational outcomes for students. Unfortunately, children in out-of-home care face myriad challenges when it comes to attending school every day.

Giving ex-prisoners public housing cuts crime and re-incarceration – and saves money

Finding stable housing is one of the biggest challenges facing prison leavers. Access to public housing has been found to flatten the curve on rates of recidivism.


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