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Articles on John Pombe Magufuli

Displaying 1 - 20 of 21 articles

President Samia Suluhu Hassan attends the funeral of her predecessor president John Magufuli on March 26, 2021 in Chato, Tanzania. Photo by Luke Dray/Getty Images

Tanzania’s new president faces a tough ‘to do’ list

Hassan may prove the right sort of politician to usher in a new era of bipartisan politics, less populist and authoritarian and more collegial.
Julius Nyerere’s ideas and legacy remain objects of debate in contemporary politics, especially in an election year. Getty Images

A contested legacy: Julius Nyerere and the 2020 Tanzanian election

For all of the shortcomings of Nyerere’s regime, his ideas continue to inspire Tanzanians fighting for a more equal and democratic future, over 20 years after his death.
Julius Nyerere (second right), his successor Ali Hassan Mwinyi (right) and Mwinyi’s successor Benjamin Mkapa (left) host South Africa’s Walter Sisulu in January 1990. Reuters/File

Tanzania at 56: echoes of the best and worst of Nyerere under Magufuli

A balance sheet of positives and negatives for Tanzania’s president Magufuli is perhaps the most striking similarity with the legacy of Nyerere as the country marks another independence anniversary.

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