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Deakin University

Deakin University was established in 1974 and combines a university’s traditional focus on excellent teaching and research with a desire to seek new ways of developing and delivering courses.


Displaying 1921 - 1940 of 2142 articles

The combination of more access and busier lifestyles has likely contributed to increasing consumption of fast food. Ben Weston

Fast food v councils: the battle for hearts, minds and bellies

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) has just finished hearing submissions in a case against McDonald’s opening an outlet in the town of Tecoma. The case is part of a growing trend of…
Studies find organic food is no better for you, but it is 30% less likely to be contaminated with pesticides. AAP

Organic food no better for you: study

Organic food may come with less pesticides but there’s little evidence it’s better for you, say researchers from Stanford University. In a study published today in Annals of Internal Medicine, Dena Bravata…
The Wonthaggi desalination plant was proposed as Victoria’s solution to water security, but has been the subject of community concern and protest. AAP/Thiess

Solving water security: don’t ignore the public

What is the best solution to the problem of water security in Australia? Finding an answer to this question is no easy matter. There is still much we don’t know about the nature and impact of climate change…
High profile campaigns that don’t reduce consumption or profits are favoured by industry. Alexandre Chang

Who should be educating us about alcohol-related violence?

In a series of recent papers, our research team has documented the impact of community interventions at reducing alcohol-related harm in the Geelong region in Victoria. What we found was that despite the…
Stanford University wants to take the lead in bringing online educational opportunities to the world. AAP

Stanford steps up online learning focus as MOOCs take hold

Stanford University has stepped up its focus on online education with the creation of a dedicated office for online learning, to be headed up by new vice provost John Mitchell. The university said the…

WoW: The latest battleground for America and Iran

Along with not selling them guns, germs or steel, it seems that American industry is no longer able to supply Iran with level 55 Night Elf warriors. According to the BBC, World of Warcraft (WoW) addicts…
Lance Armstong’s decision not to contest USADA charges of doping has done little to quell rumours. Christophe Karaba/EPA

Is the Lance Armstrong affair a race to the bottom for cycling?

Lance Armstrong was no ordinary cyclist. His was a business model that changed the face of professional cycling, perfecting techniques of media management and being the vehicle by which cycling administrators…
Pharmaceutical companies undertake clinical trials to determine whether a potential new drug meets the requirements for market authorisation. Chain of figures photo from

How to get drug companies to put needs before profits

New medicines must be approved as safe, efficacious and of good quality before they can be prescribed. But authors of two recent articles in the British Medical Journal argue that governments should introduce…
Gina Rinehart is seeking a board position at Fairfax. AAP

Fairfax result will make it difficult to reject Gina Rinehart: experts

Today’s major loss and writedown of mastheads and goodwill by Fairfax will make it more difficult for the company to resist the demands of major shareholder Gina Rinehart, say media experts. Fairfax has…
The pressure on academics is becoming too much, there needs to be cultural change. Stressed image from

Cracks in the ivory tower: is academia’s culture sustainable?

The pressure is on. More and more universities and academics are working in a culture that is untenable and cracks in the ivory tower have already begun to appear. The work environment is now characterised…
The Human Rights Commission has recommended gender diversity targets to increase female representation in the Australian Defence Force. AAP

Human Rights Commission recommends quotas to encourage women in defence

Gender diversity targets are required to ensure women have the same opportunities as men in the Australian Defence Force, argues Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, who today released…

Dome of the Rocket

When it comes to getting rocketed, nobody has more experience at it than the Israelis. For years now everything from sophisticated military missiles to backyard drainpipe firecrackers have been raining…
Apples with Elmo stickers were found to be more attractive to children. AAP

Branding drives children to make healthy choices too: study

Branding that’s targeted at children can make healthy food a more attractive option than unhealthy food, according to a new US study. Researchers from Cornell University found that a sticker of the popular…
There’s no good evidence to show cutting carbs works better than just cutting calories. Skley

Monday’s medical myth: cutting carbs is the best way to lose weight

There seems to be an endless number of fad diets and “golden rules” for weight loss. One of the most popular of these rules is that cutting carbohydrates (carbs) is the best way to lose weight. The most…
checkpoint damascus.

Who knows what’s going on in Syria?

If truth is the first casualty of war, the Syrian uprising is a veritable massacre. The claim and counter-claim by both (or more correctly all) sides has left integrity wrapped in a sheet and buried in…
When aiming for Olympic success, it’s important to get many factors right, not just funding. Gwydion M. Williams

Spend big to win big? Funding and success at the Olympics

When Naomi Fischer-Rasmussen stepped into the ring to represent Australia in the women’s middleweight boxing category last Sunday afternoon (GMT), she became the first Australian woman to compete in boxing…
There is little evidence to suggest that foreign investment is driving up the prices of Australian real estate. AAP

Don’t blame foreign investment for rising house prices

One question that arises on the topic of real estate is the scale of foreign investment and ownership in Australia. It is understandable that the public has concerns about such investment, especially as…
Avoid the hype – we need to take a realistic look at the changes ahead in higher education. Flickr/Stanford EdTech

MOOCs: neither the death of the university nor a panacea for learning

My childhood was influenced in some measure by two great icons that no longer exist. The first was Kodak – I adored my [Box Brownie]( and I still have the wonderful…
Back problems affect one in 11 Australians, with many suffering persistent pain. Dave77459

Mental illness more common in those with back problems

Australians living with back problems are 2.5 times more likely to experience a depressive disorder than the wider population, according to a report released today by the government’s Australian Institute…


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