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Associate Professor and JMRC Deputy Director, UNSW Sydney

Kate Crawford is an Associate Professor in the Journalism and Media Research Centre. Her research focuses on social change and media technologies, particularly the terrain between humans, mobiles and social networks. She has published widely on cultures of technology use, and is interested in the way media histories inform the present.

Kate recently completed the largest study of mobile media use by 18-30 year olds in Australia, funded by the Australian Research Council. It used both qualitative and quantitative methods to look at the role of the mobile in relation to ideas of friendship, intimacy and social connectedness. In 2010-2011, she conducted ethnographic research in India on the current uses of networked technologies and the growing significance of the mobile. Her next book is the co-authored 'Internet Adaptations: Language, Technology, Media, Power' (Palgrave Macmillan).


  • –present
    Deputy Director of the Journalism and Media Research Centre, University of New South Wales


  • 2008 
    University of Sydney, Doctor of Philosophy