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Nachiappan Chockalingam

Professor of Clinical Biomechanics, Staffordshire University

Nachi Chockalingam is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Chartered Scientist and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. As Professor of Clinical Biomechanics, he leads biomechanics research at Staffordshire University, UK. He is also an Affiliate Professor at the University of Malta, a Visiting Professor at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India and Guest Professor at Guangzhou Sport University, China. His research encompasses all aspects of human form and function with a specific focus on technologies and techniques for the clinical assessment of musculoskeletal conditions. He has led large international projects and numerous research outputs to his credit. He has several editorial positions and lectured extensively at various international meetings. His current research contributes to the management of musculoskeletal complications and the development of Assistive devices and Technologies for mobility.


  • –present
    Professor of Clinical Biomechanics, Staffordshire University


  • 2004 
    Staffordshire University, PhD Clinical Biomechanics


Fellow of the International Society of Biomechanics, Hon Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry, Court Assistant: Worshipful Company of Engineers