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Lecturer in Astrophotonics, Macquarie University

Dr Mike Ireland obtained a BMathematics/BSc from the University of Newcastle in 1999, then a BSc(Hons) in 2002 and a PhD (2006) from the University of Sydney. He joined the faculty at Macquarie in Feb 2011 as the joint AAO/Macquarie lecturer in astrophotonics. Prior to that Mike was based at the California Institute of Technology as a Michelson Fellow in Shri Kulkarni's group (2005-2008) and then at the University of Sydney as an Australian Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer (2008-2011).

Mike has been involved with a number of optical instrumentation projects involving novel technology, and is the Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO)'s project scientist for the Gemini High-Resolution Optical Spectrograph bid. In optical interferometry, he has lead the Red Table, twin PAVO instruments, IONIC and MUSCA beam combiners at the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer (SUSI), the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) and the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) array. He was on the commisioning team and polarimetry lead for the experimental Lucky-imaging with Aperture-Masking and Polarimetry (LAMP) on the Palomar 200 inch telescope, and has been part of aperture-masking implementations most of the world's largest telescopes.

In astrophysics, Mike has published in the sub-fields of direct imaging of extrasolar planets, fundamental parameters of young stars and brown dwarfs, and modeling and observing the extended atmospheres of Mira variables and Asymptotic Giant Branch stars. He is currently developing technologies for planet-searches on small telescopes and is still heavily involved in optical interferometry projects. He is always looking to attract keen students and discuss a range of exciting future projects.


  • 2011–present
    Lecturer in Astrophotonics, Macquarie University


  • 2006 
    University of Sydney, PhD

Research Areas

  • Astronomical And Space Sciences (0201)
  • Astronomical And Space Instrumentation (020102)
  • Stellar Astronomy And Planetary Systems (020110)
  • Galactic Astronomy (020104)